Blood Tests
Please let us know if you would like an interpreter and or a chaperone in attendance during your consultation. If you have difficulties booking an appointment online, kindly contact our reception team who would be happy to make a booking for you.
Tier 1 package - £150
What’s included?
- Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbaA1c)
- Renal (Urea, Electrolytes including estimated glomerular filtration rate)]
By clicking to book an appointment, you are automatically giving us consent to share information with your General practitioner / doctors. We would be unable to proceed with any treatments as a lack of consent to share information may hinder our ability to provide you with the full care that you need.
Tier 2 Package - £250
What’s included?
- Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbaA1c)
- Liver function Tests (LFT)
- Ful lipid profile (including Triglycerides)
- Renal (Urea, Electrolytes including estimated glomerular filtration rate) and
- ACR (Urine Test)
By clicking to book an appointment, you are automatically giving us consent to share information with your General practitioner / doctors. We would be unable to proceed with any treatments as a lack of consent to share information may hinder our ability to provide you with the full care that you need.
Tier 3 package - £300
What’s included?
- Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbaA1c)
- Renal (Urea, Electrolytes including estimated glomerular filtration rate)
- Full blood count
- B12/Folate
- Liver Function Tests (LFT)
- Thyroids
- Full lipid profile (including Triglycerides)
- ACR (to check for proteins in your kidneys via urine)
By clicking to book an appointment, you are automatically giving us consent to share information with your General practitioner / doctors. We would be unable to proceed with any treatments as a lack of consent to share information may hinder our ability to provide you with the full care that you need.
Tier 2 Health Check Package - £200
What’s included?
- Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbaA1c)
- Renal (Urea, Electrolytes including estimated glomerular filtration rate)
- Full blood count
- B12/Folate
- Liver Function Tests (LFT)
- Thyroids
- Full lipid profile (including Triglycerides)
- ACR (to check for proteins in your kidneys via urine)
By clicking to book an appointment, you are automatically giving us consent to share information with your General practitioner / doctors. We would be unable to proceed with any treatments as a lack of consent to share information may hinder our ability to provide you with the full care that you need.
What’s included?
- C-Peptide – £210
- GAD antibodies – £200
- Thyroids (TFT, T4) – £180
- Urine ACR – £80
- Vitamin B12/Folate – £150
- Vitamin D – £120
By clicking to book an appointment, you are automatically giving us consent to share information with your General practitioner / doctors. We would be unable to proceed with any treatments as a lack of consent to share information may hinder our ability to provide you with the full care that you need.