Health Check Service
Please let us know if you would like an interpreter and or a chaperone in attendance during your consultation. If you have difficulties booking an appointment
online, kindly contact our reception team who would be happy to make a booking for you.
Health Check - £150
Know your result within minutes
60 minutes
What’s included?
- Cholesterol check (HDL, LDL, Triglycerides)
- Hba1c (Blood glucose check)
- Blood pressure and pulse check
- Weight and Height (Including Body Mass Index (BMI Calculation)
- Waist Circumference (Including waist to height Ratio)
- Diet and lifestyle advice and review (Food diary emailed prior to consultation)
- Review with a clinician
- Detailed Report emailed post consultation
By clicking to book an appointment, you are automatically giving us consent to share information with your General practitioner / doctors. We would be unable to proceed with any treatments as a lack of consent to share information may hinder our ability to provide you with the full care that you need.